Τετάρτη, Οκτωβρίου 18, 2006

Raining Pleasure's Nostalgia album free to download!

Raining Pleasure's Nostalgia, the band's second album is free to download, only for the next two weeks:

It is one of the most underrated albums ever made in Europe and we strongly believe that your get-to-know with Raining Pleasure should begin from this amazing lo-fi album!

Since then, the sound of the band has evolved and is getting more and more creative.

But Nostalgia is one of a kind!

Check it out now and send us your feedback or send your feedback at the band, via Last.fm or myspace.com

Urls for the free tracks, from Nostalgia album:


2. Julie's Birthday

3. Last Waltz

4. Improving

5. Is That Yoo?

6. Breathe In, Breathe Out

7. Rainsong 55

8. Face In The Lake

9. Nostalgia

10. Six Days And Six Nights

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